Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hidden Talent

Caroline, a 21 year old English major at Skidmore, has a secret passion for poetry. It all started a few months back when she wrote a poem titled "Ode to Emma," a tribute to our friendship. Parts 2,3,4, & 5 followed. One day I will post the Ode to Emma series. For now, I have come across a well written and meaningful poem for children written by Caroline.

Penelope at the Park

Penelope Russell
Is my best friend
We live on lake Tuscle
Where the blue doesn't end.

Penelope Russell loves to eat
She plays lots of sports
She doesn't like feet.

One day we went to the park
Penelope and me.
We swang on the swings,
We climbed a small tree.

All of a sudden
We heard a strange noise
We thought it might be a cat
Or some unruly boys.

Lo and behold
A stranger emerged from the bushes.
We jumped out of the tree
And fell on our tushes.

The man said "hey"
To Penelope and me
"What are you girls doing
up in that big tree?"

Like our mommies taught us
We said not a word
We made no sort of raucous
And were in no way absurd.

The stranger stepped forward
Stepping one, two, and three
So we ran and ran toward
My daddy, Billy.

Penelope Russell is still my best friend
We don't talk to strangers
We stay safe til the end.

So remember to stay close
To a grown-up at the park
Look both ways on the street
And don't go out in the dark!

Brilliant, Caroline!

1 comment:

  1. M.D. Abbott is really Ph.D Abbott.


    Dr. Abbott's best patient.
